Why Upscaling Your Blogger Outreach Is Much Harder than it Seems

The fact that no two businesses, regardless of their size or position within the market – or, even, the magnitude of their SEO strategy – will encounter the same level of difficulty when it comes to blogger outreach is par for the course in any link agency. For anyone casting their net out into the wide, open waters of link building for the first time, it is inevitable that, to some extent or another, they will run into the frustrations of seeing only a relatively small return on effort.
For those companies who begin their blogger outreach on a very small scale, these difficulties are easily overlooked. If little weight is attached to these efforts, then the small ROI can be attributed to the fact that blogger outreach offers little value in and of itself.
The trouble is, an effective blogger outreach strategy represents one of the cornerstones of any strong digital marketing campaign. The success or failure of your efforts represents your site’s ability to exist beyond its own digital parameters – a fact which is essential to ensuring continued visibility online. It is for this reason that any good link agency will place a strong emphasis on their blogger outreach service – because, without it, even the strongest link building campaign cannot get off the ground.
Thus, for any company looking to go beyond their initial scope for outreach, the process of gaining momentum will prove far tricker than those initial, small efforts may have led them to believe.
Sorting Good Prospects from Red Flags Takes Time
One of the main factors that continues to drive the common misconception that link building is too risky is the notion that, these days, it proves far too transparent – and far too superficial – to offer any real value to the impression sites make on Google’s algorithm.
Whether or not this proves to be a self-fulfilling prophecy is down to the strength of any agency’s blogger outreach services. Gaining entry to sites that will, in the long run, offer no value to your own site is not difficult; it can be done on a large scale without piling on the pressure for stronger content creation, or a significantly greater investment of time. As such, it is not so that upscaling your blogger outreach will prove much harder than it seems; rather, upscaling your blogger outreach to good, strong, sustainable results will prove much harder than it seems.
Valueless sites cannot carry the weight of your SEO strategy. Similarly, a weak strategy cannot carry the weight of an established blog or site, which means that…
…Appealing to Webmasters/Bloggers is Only Getting More Difficult
Tracking down strong domains represents a significant drain on your time, but that is only half the story. Every day, countless bloggers and webmasters around the world receive an even greater number of requests for guest posting opportunities. It would be impossible – not to mention unbeneficial – for these domains to accept every request that came their way, which means that seeing any level of success from your efforts is growing increasingly difficult.
As such, one of the best ways to ensure that you stand out is your ability to offer prospects strong, engaging, original and, most importantly, valuable content. This is, of course, vital to your ability to grow your own SEO and ensure that Google is recognising your site for the positives, rather than the negatives. In a more tangible sense, however, good content simply appeals to bloggers, publishers and webmasters; it will bolster their own site, rather than bringing down the tone and, as a result, losing the interests of human readers and Google’s algorithm.
Your Content Creation Needs to be Scalable
If the weight of carrying an effective outreach strategy weren’t enough, this is where companies attempting to upscale their link building efforts in-house will likely encounter significant problems.
One of the most significant forces driving your link building forward is strong and authoritative content. As you grow your efforts, and begin to obtain backlinks in higher volumes, you will need to ensure that your content creation is able to maintain pace with this new approach.
In more concrete terms, your existing content creation services will need to be able to meet with the demand for higher volumes of higher quality content. Poorly written or irrelevant content represent some of the most common reasons for rejections from bloggers and webmasters – and, even if it does receive the seal of approval from the webmaster, poor anchor text placement or duplicated content will undermine your backlinks in the eyes of Google’s algorithm.
This is yet another reason why utilising a specialist link agency will prove invaluable to any site looking to augment their initial efforts in blogger outreach, and ensure a strong ROI from effective and comprehensive SEO strategies.